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Look for the Helpers

  As I’m hitting the end of my 40s, I’m so much more aware of the pain that each person carries with them.   No one is free from some sort of tragedy in their lives.   Death, divorce, miscarriage, money troubles, cancer, diabetes, mental health issues, kids growing up and wanting to live their own lives (How dare they?!), each crisis has the potential to change our attitude towards life.   For me, a mostly introvert who lives with a bit of anxiety, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.   When bad things happen, I retreat to my bed and don’t want to see or talk to anyone. But what if I could reframe the big bad moments in my life with the hundreds of little sweet moments that   also are in my life?   One of my worst moments/seasons happened sixteen years ago, after the birth of my son.     After a relatively easy pregnancy and birth experience, I got sick.   Really sick. I had mastitis, an infection in my breast, which can be resolved with antibiotics.

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